Colleen Oster

Movement Research and Movement Fundamentals

Colleen Oster


Colleen Oster is a global dance artist practicing art in everyday life. She was the first dance major from Luther College, and continues to deepen and develop her understanding of the MF paradigm. Focusing on research, she continued her education by completing a Masters of Creative Practice from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. Currently, she is working in Minneapolis to revitalize Black Earth Collaborative Arts, a non-profit with a focus on social justice issues and increasing access to somatic education.

Artist Statement

Through the openness of the MF Curriculum, Colleen found space to establish her voice and personal practices for artistry. Colleen’s living artistic practice integrates into her lifestyle through the tenet “art in everyday life”. Exercising presence, she invites human connection through embodied living, free expression, and playful learning experiences. She works collaboratively on projects: teaching improvisation, investigating creative practice, facilitating wellness workshops, hosting environments for embodied dialogue on social justice projects, and launching Black Earth Collaborative Arts in Minnesota.

