Teach Movement Fundamentals. Change Lives.
After five years of conducting the Movement Fundamentals Coalescence, participants became interested in teaching the MF paradigm in their respective locations, institutions, businesses, and practices. Through careful and deliberate collective conversations, the group developed a certification process. Certification allows practitioners to become artists within the MF paradigm and teach the MF paradigm wherever they are.
Why certify?
MF empowers selfhood and embodiment. If we become who we truly are and embody that gift within our community, we evolve into better humans and more luminous beings while providing a method for others to do the same.
The Certification Process
MF Certification happens in a myriad of ways within the three stages and is customized, in collaboration with Jane, to fit each practitioner's art and life.
MF Coalescence
Attend Three Coalescence Sessions
(250 hrs)
A forum where students, researchers, and professionals come together to learn and practice Movement Fundamentals.
MF Coalescence 2025 will be held in Denton, Texas at the University of North Texas, July 17-19, 2025.
MF Immersion
Arrange Immersion with Jane Hawley
(125 hrs)
MF theory and praxis intensive experimentation. Location and duration of immersion will be determined on a case by case basis.
MF Project
Develop and Produce Community Project
(250 hrs)
Project determined by artist seeking certification.
Examples of past projects: Assisting Jane Hawley in designing and hosting the MF Coalescences; A year-long investigation of the MF tenets, culminating in community workshops, lectures, and demonstrations; Adopting the MF curriculum for hip-hop dance training